


the Party
About Us
We opened in 1980, Toni in Style started life as Peter’s Store for Women, and many of our customers still fondly remember those early days. Toni’s brother, Peter DiBlasi, owned the store and Toni signed on as manager. Very quickly, Toni’s signature style became evident in the unique pieces she chose for the store and the first class service she provided her customers.
In 2001, Toni bought the store and christened it Toni in Style. And, for the past 16 years, we’ve continued to deliver amazing style and unstinting service.
Stop in and see for yourself!

Live My Style
In 2017, Toni was honored with Alpha Women Award by Elite Women Around the World, a global network that seeks to enhance the economic position of women. Toni’s mentorship of Ursuline college students as well as her fund-raising activities through style shows for Christ Child Society, Ronald McDonald House and Dominic’s Dream, among others, landed her the nomination and receipt of the award which looks for women with a pay-it-forward mindset, willing to make a difference, who have demonstrated a track record of success in their business or career and who also put a premium on mentoring those around them.